Tuesday, August 19, 2008

John Doe Is No Longer In A Relationship...

How the hell is anyone supposed to get over an ex now with the magic of Facebook?

Before, in the olden days, it was you broke up and maybe ripped his pictures up. Then came MSN and you'd break up and 'block' them for a few weeks or months before either begging them to take you back, or just getting the f-ck on with your life.

Now there's Facebook. You can't just break up and walk away. Nope, everyday you get to see that "John Doe has added the Are You Interested? application" or "John Doe is now friends with Dirty Hoochy Momma, they found each other using the hoochy network" or for the lessFacebook savvy "John Doe just wrote on Dirty Hoochy Momma's wall " Hey I'll pick you up at 7pm on saturday, bring a bikini for the hot tub..or not lol!"

We can perv the profiles,read the cryptic status, we can snoop friend's lists and photos...hell, we can even poke them for old time's sake.

At this point, the only thing Facebook is missing is the Break Up Application. It blocks both parties for no less than 1 month and then only allows limited view on the profile.
And it will not ,under any circumstance, allow you to poke, send messages or change your status at 3am.


Anonymous said...

I've always thought facebook was a little intrusive...hence why my real name isn't on there...also, I don't think I could handle knowing everything going on in the social world of some guy I dated...yeah...TMI would be the phrase

merrick said...

you know I just started on facebook, for no other reason than I was bored at work and had made all my usual pit stops on the information highway .. and it creeped me out the first day ...

Unknown said...

I registered with facebook just to join a specific group. I don't get why people have to know my whole name. It's very stalkerish. I think I may cancel my account because the group I joined turned out to be lamer than I thought.

jw12 said...

I'm not on facebook but my 70 year old aunt is.

Anonymous said...

My friend Alicia actually has her phone number and address up on there. I'm like, wtf? I'd be terrified of that. I do have a phone number up now but only because its my cheap ass prepaid that I use when I'm in a jam or anticipate being in an area where roaming charges would hit me up the ass.

jax said...

well you can set it so no one but your freinds can see it so its not too alarming, but damn some people ahve open profiles and THAT is dumb..especially chicks.

Anonymous said...

True, true. Still though. I dunno, maybe I'm over cautious! lol

Mother Campfire said...

Ooooh girl, you know Ent commented on my facebook right after I broke up with my ex d-bag becuase he saw the 'Melissa is now single'. I was like, thanks for that.

jax said...

he's good peeps. ;o)

Anonymous said...

you can always de-friend someone, what's the big deal?

Anonymous said...

I only joined it because I wanted to see the picture Enty had on his page. Now I'm all involved and watching the clock at work so I can sign into Yoville and collect my pay every six hours, and I have to feed my friends to my other friends' vampires, and fight my friends' vampires so I can be more powerful, and someone keeps sending me drinks so I have to send them drinks and suddenly it is taking up WAY too much time but my daughters and my grandsons are on there and the kids get a kick out of Mommo being a vampire with them, so I guess I'll stay on it, but it's all Enty's fault. :)

jax said...

syko that is hilarious. you can always ignore application requests.

mooshki said...

Jax and Syko, LMAO!!!!!

jlb said...

I joined the dreaded FB so I could spy on my children. lol Now I am addicted to the mob and booze smuggling.

That was a hilarious & too true observation Jax!

J said...

I couldn't agree more, facebook is evil when it comes to notifications and people, I reckon it saves up the ones you really don't want to see and repeats them over and over....