Thursday, August 7, 2008

take the poll! RESULTS

wow no real surprise here,but really is it Katie's secrets we want to hear? HELL YES! we want to hear all about how after her and Chris Klein broke up she had a quickie thing with Josh Hartnett and realized she was pregnant only to be surprised that Josh wanted none of it. we also want to hear how Tommy Boy secured the deal with a young, scared and pregnant leading lady willing to sign her family, life and faith away to save herself from looking less than chaste in Hollywood. uhuh...cuz being knocked up and single is a huge deal breaker in LA circa 2008. we want to hear about Suri and her december birth that was secretly passed off as 3 months later and the mysterious doctor who 'signed' the birth certificate and why the always adorable Suri looks a lot older than she is and why hasn't Josh Hartnett shaved that beardy thing on his face or why he's developed a drinking/drug problem allegedly since his dalliances with Miss Holmes..could it be guilt? regret?

anyway Katie...congrats, you win this round of Dirty Little Secret.

No prize this week, Tom's jeans are enough.

1 comment:

lutefisk said...

that about sums it all up.