Wednesday, September 10, 2008


sorry peeps for the lack of posts lately but i am busier than a mother trucker getting my shizz together before i leave on a jetplane to Europe on saturday. i will try to get some more posts up tonight,but shit there is NADDA going on in the world lately except for that war, that election and that water bed dying in El's basement.

anyway kids...while I am away, do not fret!
Have laptop, will travel! jaxsaid will be a travel blog for two weeks because A) i'm on vacation, like I give a shit about Lilo and her poor man's Joel Madden and B) it saves me time and money on postcards!

anyway back to cleaning up at work...women's work is never done!
seacrest out.


Anonymous said...

It will be really great to see what pictures you post from the trip!

Amber said...

Have fun!!like Bad fish,I can't wait to see the pics:)

mooshki said...

God I love that song. I'm leeeeeeavin' o-on a jet plaaaaane.

Picky B. said...

Have fun at Lesbian Week, Jax! :) I'm sure we'll all be checking in to see what you're getting up to on your vacation. Be safe!

jax said...

lol thanks all...