Friday, September 5, 2008

Zach and Miri make a porno teaser

Hey remember when i posted a few months ago about this new trailer for Kevin Smith's new flick and then The Weinstein Co. kindly emailed me to take it down?
ya well FUCK's the official trailer from Askmen.


Anonymous said...

Oh no they didn't! They should be loving that they were getting the early buzz!

merrick said...

this is going to be some funny stuff .. thanks jax! Don't let the man keep you down!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe they'd tracked down this blog to make you take it down. Oh, like you're doing any harm? They should be grateful. Not to mention, its not like you're Perez Hilton, taking thousands of valuable ad dollars away if you post it yourself. Fuckers.

Anyway, check WUD Jax! I made a solo post for the Hills girls' VMA looks!

jax said...

lol awesome.

they sent a general email ot my junk folder so i had no clue for awhile..but it looks like they just googled Zach and Miri and up popped jaxsaid. it's been coming up A LOT in the referrals.

headin on