Friday, June 27, 2008

UPDATE- i found a NOT

see how could i forget? chad kroeger from Nicklewhack.

hot, hot , decide Canadian edition!

ok so maybe Ben isn't a NOT but he's sorda shy of hot. I really had a hard time finding a fug for Canada...well done guys! Happy Canada Day July 1 ya'll!

mini me is a mini douche

you are suing TMZ for showing a clip of your sex tape? fuck off Verne, you know damn well without publicity on this thing it won't move more than a few units and that's just the pervs wanting to check out midget porn. sorry but it is true so for you to have the audacity to 'claim' that the tape was stolen and then turn around and sue TMZ for showing a small clip of something you already have plans to pretty fucking stupid.
go piss in a corner.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

i love this and so can you!

nothing free here kids 'cept sage beauty advice! this stuff is amazing. origins never a dull moment..its like a scrub but you put a thin layer on like a mask and leave for 3min and then add water to create a gentle scrub. it's pricey but lasts awhile and you only need to use it 2 or 3 times a month just to lightly exfoliate and renew the look of skin. trust me both men and women it's great.

i love the

once you get past all the tits n ass..the writer is f*cking hilarious.

case in point:

soccer dads are funny

shit there really is nothing to snark on today is there? i am so not inspired....quick someone act a fool.

here is the always hilarious picture of soon to be exes Jen n Ben out with the kids and the family Damon.

$15M a pic easily and this asshat still wears the whackest Dad outfits ever. Ben good god man did you lose your sense of fashion at the alter...or did you trade it for your balls back from Jlo?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

gay, straight or fashion forward?

i'm sorry gaaaay brother has that that size and he's 5ft 3. don't hate me but that is one gay looking man right there. and not in Ryan Phillipe on Leno kinda way. there is no gay face...but their is some gayness to it. not that i mind.
like THAT was the one thing stopping Gerard from knocking down my door and having his wicked way with--------CRASH!

"what the fuck?!! should have called...i would have cleaned up the place a tad. no my brother is taken sorry love.....wait, where you going? Gerard? " (echo)
can i get an amen on this from the friends of Dorothy?
gay or straight the man is hot.

this is some funny shit right here..

perfect people are boring

you know what i'm sick of? people who go on blogs knowing full well what they are about and the subject matter but STILL try and play the martyr...still try and throw a conscience on stuff that ain't ya bidness!

hey i'm all for touchy feely feel good, let's not hurt anyone's feelings. but this ain't that kind of blog and i am not a treehuggin hippy out to change the friggen world, one non hate group at a time.

please. PC is at an all time high and i am sick of it! i'm not racist or homophobic, i try not to call people retards and i'd never insult someone with a disability of anykind....but that's not good enough is it?

why is there ALWAYS some love happy positive,everyone is our brother an sisters god loves you bitch trying to ruin my good time?

go make come chamomile and weed your organic cruelty free garden.

i'm busy laughing and pointing.

congratulations to Spencer and Heidi!

our winners of I Love to Hate On...we all hate your cheesy asses!

no prize here...literally.
got an idea for Take the Poll! email me.

Monday, June 23, 2008

my review of Fool's Gold


i really wanted to like this movie but i saw it already last year when it was called Sahara.

totally worth it if you want to see some nice scenery and a topless MM..nothing we haven't see 387x on tmz.

did MJ victimize Corey Haim? (with update)

skimming through tv late last night and i stumble upon the season premier i guess of Two Coreys. this year the coreys do not like one another and the shit is hitting the fan so to speak.

so here i sit watching the train pull away from the station of reality tv when in the far off distance there i see yet another train coming....and i knew there was wreck a comin' real quick.

so the two coreys are talking, arguing what have you and out comes this nugget from Haim.

when he was 14 he was raped by and 'older male friend of Feldman's' and that Feldman too was a victim. let's see.....1980's and I seem to remember seeing tons of picture of Micheal Jackson and Corey Feldman together in their matching blinged out military garb. coincidence?

ya fucking right.

Thanks Coreys for saving the good stuff for your shit ass show rather than speak up in court and nail this fucker once and for all.

maybe all the drug use wasn't just because you were a vicitm but because you have a guilty conscience. maybe when you finally get your shit together you can explain to the other drug addled victims since the trial why you couldn't stop it then. maybe they might understand.

cuz i sure as hell don't.
***Update- apparently Feldman has come out saying it is not MJ but a former assistant. Have you ever wondered how a guy who did a handful of decent movies 20 years ago still has bank whereas Haim, who did not have to testfy in the MJ trial, does not? interesting.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

amy winehouse diagnosed with emphysema

how sad that in about 6 months time amy winehouse could be permanently attached to oxygen to live. i guess of all the things she could be battling in her life this is least expected. understandable yes..but didn't you think it would hiv or hep to snap reality back into this girl?

it really is tragic.
look how wonderfully beautiful and talented this women once was. it's time for mom and dad to step the fuck up and her committed to a detox center once and for all.


George Carlin

my review of In the Land of Women

i actually really liked this movie. my expectations weren't that high seeing as it starred Adam Brody and Meg Ryan..not an enticing combo at first thought.

it was pretty good, great for a rainy day in and you know what i actually didn't hate either of them by the end. meg's lips were totally distracting as always which is a shame. why do pretty women fuck with their faces so much?

anyway..In the Land of Women..not bad.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Friday bitches!!!

so tired and super swamped at work....will try to post more later.

look for more posts this weekend...promise!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

hot, hot , decide

a tux and a baseball cap? someone needs a new weave!

take the poll!

another week another poll. who do you love to hate on? am i missing anyone? god if it were up to me the list would be taller than i and it would include Bush...but i try not to offend my yankee friends too much.

so without further ado..take the poll!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

why do feet keep washing up on BC shores?

yes you read that correct.

so far since august 2007 SIX feet have washed up in various locations along the shore. a fifth on monday and a sixth today.
and NONE of them match and almost all were right feet aside from today which was....left.

that is some weird ass shit.

i'm full...

omg i ate too much at the company barbeque at lunch...tune in tomorrow same bat time, same bat channel.

now i need to lie down and have a nap.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


just some funny stuff i've found...the last one is so true for me.

the guy i work with is a dick

so i work with this guy who neighbors the office next to mine. the guy is huge. not fat but built like a brick shithouse. so Buddy (that's what we will call him) is a giant and therefor produces more body heat, no? well Buddy believes he is working alone in the building apparently and feels no need to ask anyone their preference before hijacking the thermo 3x a day.

Buddy. we do not need the A/C's fucking raining outside AND it's bad for the environment asshat! you are well over 6 feet tall, no shit its going to be hotter for you,you're closer to the fuckin sun! all kidding aside this jerk and i had it out for the 3rd time this month over his willy nilly dalliances in air conditioning. apparently he leaves work everyday just 'soaked' with sweat from his office being too hot. i don't know about you but i'd have to be working in at least 26 degree environment to sweat that much just SITTING at my desk.

Buddy, as you may have guessed, is a delusional quirky fuck.

this isn't the only issue Buddy has had here. He demanded week after week that we change out the hand towel dispensers because they were too loud. Hand towel dispensers!!! he claimed they were too distracting while he was working. the one he's talking about was in the lunchroom and only used from about know lunchtime. maybe if 'Buddy' ate a fuckin solid for lunch rather than a flax seed shake he might not hear the noise and maybe just maybe the guy would be in a good mood. i swear...dust eating supermodels are more personable.

Monday, June 16, 2008

congrats robert downey junior!

winner of sexy comeback 2008 by a landslide! all the best robert, you win a lifetime membership to spankbanks across north america and abroad!

yup, fine.

Royals...just like us in fancier clothes.

How hilarious is it to see the two heirs to the throne completely taking the piss out of Pomp and Circumstance? pretty damn hilarious if you ask me. Kinda like when your mom would make your brother try on her dress to get the hem length right while the rest of us all laughed our asses off. even Camilla is cackling away. poor bastard.
Hot Harry and his future sister in law cracked up while the (soon to be bald) future King William looked on in his royal garb. Nana gave him some chocolate covered medal or something.

damn i'm tired today

sorry light posting today, lots to do at work and am completely ready to KO and it's not even 1pm.


what kind of fucking animal does this? i am so shocked and disgusted by this vile excuse for life that i am glad he was shot dead on site. i hope every cop on duty emptied a round in this...animal. police shot and killed a 27 year old man in California last night after multiple witnesses including the officers on scene found him beating a toddler to death on the side of the road. and not just beating but stomping and kicking a 2 year old! when the fucker wouldn't stop they opened fire. the boy was rushed to hospital where he was pronounced dead. this murderer beat the boy so bad they need DNA to identify him. RIP little boy...sad. why???

sorry to be so heavy on a monday but this truly has shocked me.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

and a happy playa's day to the rest...

Happy Father's Day to all the great Dad's i know...

canada day 2002 Dad and our extended love.
various fathers in my family..and just a damn cool pic taken in the winnipeg airport 1960s.
in the far back ,my Pepere..RIP. my dad in the yellow.
great grampa, mom,gramma and great gramma on the ship over.
grampa, great uncle clark, great aunty enid and gramma. NYE.
mom and grampa
for everything you did for us,your 11 brothers and sisters and mom...thank you-love you Dad!!

booty call etiquette...

1- never start off the conversation with "hey you still up?"
2- never forget to say "hello" and "how are you?"
3- never call someone for a booty call that you haven't seen in over a year.
4- never call an ex with feelings for you,that makes you look like a prick.
5- never end the conversation less than 30 seconds after she shoots you down, it appears desperate and disrespectful.

ya so guess who got drunk dialed tonight? uh is that??
this is man i was with for over 3 and a half years and we haven't even spoken in 3 months. balls man..balls.
oh and i'm keeping his damn shirt!

Friday, June 13, 2008

so what does it take?

they had a tape, testimony from his own brother stating that R Kelly had a thing for young girls and every juror believed without a shadow of a doubt it was him on the tape...yet they felt they did no have enough evidence.

what the fuck?
what exactly do they need? all jurors expressed disgust at the tape and that it was clear as a bell it was him on it. do they need to catch the guy at a Jonas Bros concert cruising for pussy? they acquitted this PEDOPHILE because the 'victim' refused to testify. who fucking cares? 99% of victims never testify,it shouldn't make a difference the fucker broke the law and it was on tape!

if i were the prosecution I'd go for mistrial if possible,the jurors were tired, one threw a hissy fit because he hadn't eaten and another earlier demanding to go is that credible? F*CKED!
i'll leave you with the first four lines from R. Kelly's Bump n Grind:
My mind’s telling me no
But my body, my body's telling me yes
Baby - I don’t wanna hurt nobody
But there is something, that I must confess

hot, hot, not

not so much 'not' as HELL FUCKING NO!

3 times a charm...

or with these two 3 times in an hour....hey i've seen the video.

Pam and Tommy...
you know after all the heartache and shit both have overcome why shouldn't they give it another go? the love is still there, you'd be hard pressed to find a bad quote about the other in the last few years and they do have two young boys at home.

good for them.

buckle up bitches!

you're in for a bumpy ride...stay away from black cats, ladders and Lindsay Lohan movies. well the movies because they suck (except mean girls) but the rest because i'm a superstitious biotch with a penchant for the dark.

if i don't see ya again have a good weekend..more posts to follow.