It's a bit of a blustery day here. The wind is whistling and the day has a touch of crispiness in the air. Perfect day to drive 45mins away and get my hair did,no? Not my favorite thing but it is my favorite thing to have a long leisurely chat with my best friend Megan, who does my hair. There is nothing better than having your friend since you were 12 do your Do while you sip tea and cackle away at long ago memories and boys gone by.
Well unless you are a 15 year old boy holding the calculator of one 15 yo girl with Daddy issues and no self esteem, desperate to get it back before class.
Class...interesting word. Look it up,honey. That's a secret you don't tell...
This one is awesome: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_a7jkcMVp5Vg/S2T-EBXUFHI/AAAAAAAAK7k/TOeV4TOK2kM/s1600-h/spot.jpg
lol ya i liked that one. i used to pull the best from postsecret for here but then decided it ruined the fun of reading them for everyone else. so now i pick my 3rd fav.
That's a smart way to do it.
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