Monday, February 28, 2011

Charlie Sheen According To Dave

I so love that the first thing I've seen thus far about Sheenisms comes from someone I know. This great piece was done by David Gagnon to capture the effervescent Carlos Estevez as a life coach.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Surrey's Winterfest 2011

The City of Surrey put on their annual Winterfest yesterday in Central City Plaza and what a winter wonderland it turned out to be! From Olympic athletes and Cirque Surrey to evening performances by Shaun Verreault, Kyprios and Hot Hot Heat, the crowds that were there were not deterred by a little snow. Children enjoyed tobogganing, ice skating, face painting and the always tempting hot chocolate and mini donuts while the adults cuddled on the ferris wheel or nipped in to Central City Brewery to "warm up" in between some hockey and various live entertainment that included a look back at the 2010 Olympics.

Both Shaun Verreault and Kyprios put on good show as always with Kyprios keeping the beats flowing and the crowd moving despite a heavy snowfall halfway through his set. The crowd hit its peak when he started the first few notes to City Woman and were only disappointed when he left the stage. Unfortunately we did not stay for Hot Hot Heat as we were Cold Cold Cool.

Much thanks to Melissa Snow and the City of Surrey, who put on a great event despite a smaller crowd due to the weather. I hope it continues and grows because it's definitely on my list for next year. And so are the mini donuts.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Vogville Day & Night Festival

The Autumn Portrait

By Starlight

City Of Glass

I spent Saturday afternoon at Vogville's Day & Night Festival showcasing some of Vancouver's greatest indie bands. The event went on well past midnight but I was only there for most of the daytime shows including The Autumn Portrait, By Starlight and City of Glass. I hadn't heard much of the last two and was happy to walk away with a cd and review coming up later this week from City Of Glass. The Alpen Club provided an interesting venue filled with culture,a bouncing floor and great acoustics from what I heard. Oh, and the fraulien in the German Beermaid outfit was a nice touch behind the bar. Much thanks to Jonathan Fluevog of Vogville Studios and Happy Planet for putting together a cool all ages show on what should have been a rainy Saturday afternoon. Had the sun not fought its way through the BC clouds, I'm sure the crowds would have been bigger. If it comes around next year, I plan to check out the evening shows and see how the above 15 set does it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Zero 7 Left Behind

This song is only just over a minute long but spoke to me in the same way a full length ballad could. A definite favorite.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Las Teclas De Negros

Happy Valentine's Day

Even though it's not Sunday, take a look through PostSecret's Valentine themed batch today. Hope you all have a great day with someone you love- even if it's by yourself!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mother Mother At John Lawson Park

Checked out the Said The Whale & Mother Mother show at John Lawson Park on Friday and although it was wet and nasty underfoot, both bands put on a great show for the mostly under age crowd. Aside from the complete lack of planning on the event organizer's part regarding the muddy conditions and crowd control at the front of the stage, everyone appeared to be having a good night out enjoying free live music. I'd definitely go again, but I'd wear rubber boots and a thick slicker.