Friday, August 22, 2008

Review of Jack Johnson at Thunderbird Stadium

the only cops or security all night were those 3 cops up there.

even Heath Ledger's ghost chilled for a song or two.

my cool new bag!

From what i can remember this was a fantastic concert. I kid. But if you are at all familiar with Jack Johnson and his music you will already know it is full on hemp-loving hippy music. and although i did not get a pic to demonstrate the following i did see the the following 5 things.

1. A woven all natural fibre hemp hat.
2. The smell of patchouli.
3. Dread locks.
4. Hacky sack.
5. Pot smoking.

The show itself was amazing, the sound was really good and Jack himself sounded great. Rogue Wave and Cully City whatever opened and Jack played a lot of songs and from Bubble Toes, Upside Down, Flake and ending with my favorite Better Together.

If you ever get a chance to check out one of his shows definitely go for it and I was even surprised to see a lot of kids there (tucked in the non smoker area).
In short I had a lot of fricken fun and I highly recommend it next time he's playing near you.


mooshki said...

Ooh, that sounds like so much fun!

Amber said...

Soooooo jealous!If I wasn't already with someone,I think I would have to hit him;)

jw12 said...

I am not a fan of white dreds. I am a fan of Mary Jane.

bmini said...

a few years ago, well more than a few, a bunch of us went to see Ben Harper and Jack J. at Thunderbird. I had never heard of Jack before and went because of Ben, but after that concert, I was hooked on Jack. Sounds like a great time. Glad to see hippies don't change!!!

jax said...

hahaha. i really wanted to go to that one too Bmini to hear Ben sing about Burning One down...sigh le hippy life is blissful. nothing but soya, natural fibers, crystal deodorant and the best weed you can grow.

bmini said...

I have never been so high in my life as I was just from breathing during Burn One Down....

crystal deodorant!!! LOL

bmini said...

oh..actually scratch that. The highest I have ever been was when we locked ourselves in my friends parents bathroom (they were away)and turned on the shower. I literally crawled out of that bathroom on my hands and knees.......ah good times