Friday, September 5, 2008

another jaxsaid milestone

10 000 page views as of this week. thank you all so much for reading and stopping by whether it was once or daily. i really didn't think i'd get more than a few hits ever, not including my brother, friends and Bad Fish. but here we are 9 months later and my lil blog is still rolling along.

thank you to EL at CDAN for all the inspiration to start it in the first place and the continued support as a friend and fellow blogger. you are the best!

to my other blogger friends like MK, Bad Fish, Hez, Kris and Amber...great minds bitch alike.

and to all the friends i made through this blog and are the most gracious and fun group of fuckin crazies i have ever had the pleasure of chatting with.

blog on on.


Amber said...

Thanx for the shout out,sweetie!!You are my favorite bloggy-friend:):)

And congrats on your 10 000th view!!:)

**toasting you w/a beer:)**

mooshki said...

Wow, congrats!!! Although, I should warn you, I just saw that "Shining" painting and I may be too freaked out to ever come back again. :)

lutefisk said...

Mazel Tov!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jax, and thanks for the shout out! Your presence on my blog and occasional constructive criticism has been greatly appreciated.

bmini said...

YAY!! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

do you know how long it took me to get 10,000 hits? you obviously rock.

~crazy peanut~ said...

Congrats to you jax, you are one fookin funny mofo. :)

Many, many more hits to you.

Unknown said...

Good Job, Jax...I enjoy your blog..

jax said...
