Friday, September 5, 2008

screwed by Faceboook again!

ok kids this is a warning to the singles out there and really anyone that uses Facebook. don't get me wrong i love this damn thing like Duchovny likes free sex, but damn it Facebook you fucked me again! and without dinner first!

i decided to do some editing in my profile yesterday and removed the single/relationship/its complicated portion from it completely. after doing so i noticed that in my 'mini feed' it says Jackie _______ is no longer listed as single with a big ass heart next to it. that's discrete. so i delete it and 'hide story'.

so i thought.

through the course of yesterday up until about 7pm I had been getting messages, texts, emails and calls from people. boy did i think i was popular. i had NO idea that sent to everyone including various exes and the new guy I JUST MET was:

Jackie_________ is no longer single.

goddman you facebook. damn you! luckily new dude is amazing and thought it was hilarious.

oh, but did i mention my mother is on facebook?

ya...can't wait for THAT call.


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I wish my mother was on facebook so that I didn't have to field all the phone calls and emails.

Good luck w/ the new guy, since you're no longer single. ;)

mooshki said...

Well, the good thing is, if that didn't scare him away you know he's not one of those guys. :)

jax said...

hahah so true to both of you.
if you notice he made sure to mark his territory on my

Anonymous said...

lol thats funny Jax. I wouldn't laugh if it had turned out poorly, but luckily it didn't! I have a feeling the last dude wouldn't have handled it so graciously.