Friday, September 12, 2008

jax said goes travel for 2 weeks

oh there'll be snark but at the flight staff not quick enough to bring my pillow and blankie. and they'll be pictures to laugh at but mostly there will be video! so sit back and enjoy our vacation together. the sun, the sea, the food and the lovely gays in the village. this time tomorrow i'll be grumbling about the lineup sat the airport while keeping a trained eye out for celebs making there way back from LA and 9 hours later as i touch down in London (LONDON! ala Joey from Friends)you might get video of me smacking a bitch down like Kanye or wearing a bathrobe like Madge. it could happen.

anyway peeps...i might post later tonight but i have soooo much to do.


slappywhyte said...

cool have a good time jax

im adding your blog to my blogroll as soon as i figure out how :)

jax said... least you figured out the comments! thanks dude. i will oggle many lesbians on your behalf.