Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy 1 Year to Jax Said!

Wow, how did that happen? damn I almost missed it too! What a great year it's been. Blogging, meeting new people, wining an dining with Enty in Vancouver, blogging from Barcelona on the beach, doing a bit of random radio...

And I'll even let you in on a little secret. Jax said is moving. Yup, this space isn't big enough for my snide attitude. I'm going to change it up a bit too and try to post more frequent. It's also going to be a lot more interactive, you'll be invited to provide content as well as feedback and the always fun comments. Times, they are a changing!

Thanks for coming this space for more details but for now you might want to bookmark . I don't have a solid timeline yet, but I will be sure to post it here, or it might direct you straight there. Still working with the graphic designer on it so anything you see is just a staging area for now. Slowly I will incorporate new stuff to this site until the new one is ready. So email me if you like or hate anything new or old. I'm not doing this for my health! Thanks guys...I owe you all some dirty love and booze.


Anonymous said...

This is the part where I'm supposed to pull a (30 Rock guest appearance) Jen Aniston and start singing sexy Happy Birthday ;). Or sexy mannequin comes to life. One of those.

jax said...

i'll take the Mannequin over aniston, more personality and less clingy. heehee.

merrick said...

Happy Birthday! Your blog is a must read for me ..!

GladysKravitz said...

Hey happy belated birthday. SOmetimes I'm slow on blog reading--but I ALWAYS get to yours...just a little late sometimes.

jax said...

no time like a good time! lol

bmini said...
