Sunday, April 19, 2009

Well well well....

What have we here?
Of course, actual sex would have to occur for this to be true...


mooshki said...

Maybe that's why she made him dump Austin. I really do think he's 80% gay, and he's clinging to that 20% with Reese for some crazy reason.

jax said...

i agree. plus i just can't buy Reese bearding,she's too smart and sucessful for that.

mooshki said...

Have you seen "But I'm a Cheerleader?" I bet she's like one of those Christian re-education camps. If she maintains absolute control over him, she can make him be straight. :)

bmini said...

oh LOL! I grew up going to a Baptist chuch and I can't tell you how many girls believed they could straighten out a guy....or how many guys thought they could be straightened out.....