so how long before the rumours start up again about the dad? is it Chris Kleins? Josh Hartnett's? (my guess) or Elron?
will Katie become Katie again or stick with Kate? think the doc has her old nose still? will she become a hermit in Toledo? or will she shake off the dust and kick up her Laboutins at The Waverly Inn?
i don't care what tommy is paying her, Anonymous needs to get on the horn with an offer double that so we THE PEOPLE can hear the truth damnit.
Didn't Lainey say that she'd aborted a kid awhile back because she wanted out?
ooooh that is news to me! will have to dig for sad smut. thnx!
It's a one liner, GMD mention linking to a blind. I'll see if I can find it.
Oh wait, I don't read Lainey as often as I should and I misread. She was saying that this story:
Is NOT GMD and robobride."PPS. The GMD is not holding down his Robobride."
Sorry for the excitement. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program...
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