Friday, November 21, 2008

If you live in the US then please read!

Ok don't panic but FEMA reports that many states could be affected should there be a future catastrophic earthquake.
Don't forget this is exactly like the type of thing FEMA would have issued a few years ago called Hurricane Katrina.
If you live in the affected states get your shit ready, keep your fingers crossed and hope it never shows, but please be prepared.


Angel said...

damn, that's some scary crap!!!

I have a package for you, going out first thing in the morning!!! Hope you like it!


slappywhyte said...

yeah there is a huge fault line in missouri, big equake there in 1800s if i remember

but i got so much other shit to worry about, its just one more thing to pile on ... mebbe the world is actually ending soon?

mooshki said...

Jax, if the government won't even properly protect people from tornadoes, which we KNOW are going to happen every single year in some of these states, there's no chance in hell they're going to do anything about this. Heck, it's mostly just poor people who are going to die, so why should we care?

Did you read that the kids who stayed in FEMA trailers after Katrina are now all much sicker than other kids in the country? :(

Obama, I know it's a mind-boggling job, but please save our country!!!