Tuesday, June 24, 2008

gay, straight or fashion forward?

i'm sorry ladies..my gaaaay brother has that shirt..in that size and he's 5ft 3. don't hate me but that is one gay looking man right there. and not in Ryan Phillipe on Leno kinda way. there is no gay face...but their is some gayness to it. not that i mind.
like THAT was the one thing stopping Gerard from knocking down my door and having his wicked way with--------CRASH!

"what the fuck?!! Gerard...you should have called...i would have cleaned up the place a tad. no my brother is taken sorry love.....wait, where you going? Gerard? " (echo)
can i get an amen on this from the friends of Dorothy?
gay or straight the man is hot.


jax said...

ahhhhh all that damn gramma talk on CDAN and i spell there as their.

Anonymous said...

I think he's probably straight. He has that straight-boy "this looks cool" attitude towards clothes, and it never goes.

See his International Male catalog inspired mesh/terry? shirt here.

jax said...

i totally agree BUT its his little new freindship with the male dancer from Dancing with the Stars that makes me wonder...and that guy always spoke gay to me. the blonde one with his sister on the show.

either way..im happy.

Anonymous said...

what? I have not seen that friendship. Evidence please. :)

Also, there should be a way to edit your post in blogger if you want to avoid grammar wank

jax said...

ok here's one pic to start..i have to search for the story.


jax said...

derek hough is his name..tmz had the story but i cant find it now...this was just after the rumour of him and Cheryl Burke were together and she came out and said she barely knew him. it was a weird quick cover up and now the story is gone.

Anonymous said...

Hmm that outfit IS a little suspect. He looks very Matthew Fox is this photo.

jax said...

...or LAnce Bass's new piece.