Monday, July 7, 2008

if i go back to school can i have the summer off?

i'm bitter.


Amber said...

Why are you bitter?

jax said...

because im a grown up! i want the fcuking summer off!

Anonymous said...

become a teacher. Deal with hormonal teenagers 8 hours a day for most of the year, 3 hours of unpaid correcting almost every night and unpaid lesson planning on the weekends. Then you get summers off. (Mom and dad both teachers)

Amber said...

Sorry....:(Would you be mad at me if I told you that I have the summer off??

Amber said...

I had to throw that in there:)Love ya,though;)

jax said...

amber..go choke on your pine tree!
lol...its ok its not really the summer 'off' when you have a baby.
at least at work i'm the only one crying for my mommy.

i just want more than 3 weeks off a year that ain't right.

mooshki said...

I work at a University, and summers are supposed to be quiet and boring. But for some reason this summer there is way too much work to get done! IT'S NOT FAIR! WAAAAAAHHHH!

Unknown said...

Uh, yeah, summers off... Not with a little one who needs constant entertaining... Ah well... Before you know it jax, you'll be retired, doing nothing but knitting sweaters and smoking fatties... Or maybe it'll be knitting fatties and smoking sweaters, who knows? ;)

All I know is that I can't wait for summer to be over, so I can get back to my regularly scheduled work... LOL!

jax said...

sacriledge! never wish the summer away you bead weaving fool! lol.