Welcome to a new day, a new era, a new America.
Thank you!
Thank you for the gift of change not only for you and your country but the world over.
It's 2008 in America and you have the first African American President, you can now close a door on your history, start a new day and begin the process of healing and coming together as one nation in a brighter future. And you know what?
Age made out to be a bigger issue than race anyway at about 80%.
i have to admit, every time i hear Barack Obama speak i can only think of one man...
Thank you!
Thank you for the gift of change not only for you and your country but the world over.
It's 2008 in America and you have the first African American President, you can now close a door on your history, start a new day and begin the process of healing and coming together as one nation in a brighter future. And you know what?
Age made out to be a bigger issue than race anyway at about 80%.
i have to admit, every time i hear Barack Obama speak i can only think of one man...
I just watched his speech and cried. I feel hopeful, and relieved. And I'm not even American!
At least now you don't have to worry about an influx of people moving in with you. I think we'll all be staying for the next 4 years.
Jax! This post made me cry!
Obama's such a handsome fella, and I LOVE those gorgeous little girls. I don't envy White House kids, but I'm sort of excited to watch them grow up. And he and Michelle make me so, so happy. A politician devoted to his wife. *sigh*. America doesn't suck anymore!!
Man, I can't believe we have a president who isn't a total waste of spooge.
America hasn't had a lot to be proud of in the last 8 years, but I truly am proud today. I can't wait to see what the next 4 years (dare we hope for 8 yet?) bring. He truly is inspiring.
ya know what I love most about this man?...that he is a FAMILY man, that he loves his wife, he loves his kids, he shows AFFECTION to his girls and is INVOLVED in their lives...that's what being a Da is all about.
congrats guys! i was so confident i made this post a week ago!!
I cried as I watched those speeches last night. This is a step in the right direction in so many ways. Its one thing to win the election as a black man, but to me its even BIGGER that he drove people to the election booths, something no candidate or "Vote or Die" endorser has ever done. He flipped six red states to blue. He has made it abundantly clear that he has working brain cells. The charisma, the speeches. The obvious love and respect for his wife, and the sparkle in his whole family's eye. There is love there. Its real. Just like he is. Yay Obama!
And he's not from TEXAS yah....*which to Canadian's would be like yah he's not from Alberta *....oh wait our idiot is from Alberta SIGH
*LOL* @ Canadachick - don't make fun of us hurtin' Albertans!
Ameicans made history last night .. and its something that we should all be proud of .. its about time that a person who knows what its like to not have been born into money, to have to work hard to make your money finally made it to the White House ..its about time david killed goliath!
I cried when he came out with his family. And then I cried again when it really sunk in that we had elected a black man as president. Americans are better people than I sometimes give them credit for.
I read the best thing yesterday: America: Love it or Fix it.
Oh, and when Jon Stewart announced that Barack had taken Virginia, I let out a huge "WOO HOO!!!" The "real" Virginians have spoken! Take that, Republican Morons!
Mooshki .. I agree .. given the right circumstances, I truly believe that the American people will make the right choices .. its only when the circumstances are skewed (cough cough gwb and florida) that it seems as if we are voting with our eyes closed and our pocketbooks open
well my american friends...you did it! this is truly a new day in the world where not only will public opinion of America flip a 180 but you woke up today with one cool muthafucker as President elect!
I've never been prouder...and now I don't have to move in with Jax.
I'm not going to rejoice until the end of January. There might have been an overwhelming majority in favor, but those against him are scary. The last time we had this situation, the initials were JFK, and unfortunately we know how that ended.
well thats positive ya killjoy!
trust me DN if Bush made it through 8 years of hatred from the world....AND Osama...
great pix "fake jax"
I'm late because this has been a hell of a week--lots of work, lots of rallies, lots of volunteering and phonebanking, not so much internet. So I'm catching up. BUT. Thank you Jax. I don't think I have had a day without tears of joy and wonder since Tuesday, and you started the waterworks again for me. We. Have. Hope. Finally.
As Ernestine said, we did something right for once. Finally. I haven't been this proud to be an American since the third grade.
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