Sunday, April 26, 2009

Those are some sassy secrets!

Damn, I had a hard time choosing my fav this week because Frank picked out some gems...I'm sure it had nothing to do with the last one. Do not miss! I laughed straight off with this one...

Ok...back to cleaning. I have the realtor coming in on Tuesday so my weekend has been filled with sorting,packing, cleaning and 'staging' for viewings next week. Is it sad I'm overwhelmed at the thought of having to keep my house clean every damn day?
Enjoy your Sunday...Seacrest out.


mooshki said...

Apart from the dishes, cleaning is only acceptable on weekends. Weekday cleaning is obscene.

mooshki said...

The last one made me LOL, then it made me sad. :)

jax said...

the google one almost made me cry..for both of them.

mooshki said...

I'm glad Frank put through that email saying that it looked like a father who cares. Maybe that helped.

jax said...

did u see the update to the people who love me/ people who love fucking me?

Angel said...

ahhh Tom in the good old days....then he went nuts and jumped on O's couch. good times good times!

jax said...

i miss those days.