Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mayer vs. Perez..hilarity ensues...

  1. John Mayer
    johncmayer@perezhilton I also want to train you in an old martial art called "Never Call A Black Dude a Faggot Jitsu."
  2. John Mayer
    johncmayer@PerezHilton Not true. In fact I'd like to train you in Krav Maga. Then you'll have the situational awareness not to get in someone's face.


Anonymous said...

lol i love how deep john mayer thinks he is.

MnGddess said...

Hey Jax!

(sigh) Ain't it f-u-n to sit back with a nice cold glass of lemonade and watch two idiot snark at each other??

Good times, good times...

Well, off to purchase a chocolate donut.