Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sundays of Promise and Joy...

I know,right? Where the fuck did that title come from? Search me, I just write what pops into thy head. The sun is shining bright in WR, the day is still young, spring has sprung and I'm heading to the beach for a long walk on the dunes,maybe chill and read my book and then off to the Valley for dinner with my parents. The last week has been nuts and I just need to recharge the batteries a bit before taking flight on my next adventure. Speaking of that, have you heard I'm going to China in 5 weeks? Beijing, baby! My best girlfriend that I've known since I was 11 is coming with me and I am getting superexcited. Food, sights, Kodak moments,serenity among the temples and general havoc. And all in the year of the Tiger, my year! Sign me up! Now I just have to learn to finally use chopsticks, or bring a fork with me. Fun!

Life in general has been fantastic lately and I really hope this is the turn I've been waiting for. I've done a lot of 'Me' work lately and I feel like it's starting to pay off. Sometimes you just gotta let go and let life happen to you. Let abundance come to you,put it out there let it listen to you and give you what you need,not what you want. That's a hard lesson to learn sometimes,especially if you like order and routine and not losing control. Thankfully, that's not a problem for me, I lose control several times a week..haha.

Whatever you do with your day..or your life, make time for fun and joy and promise.

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