Monday, July 27, 2009

Vancouver This Past Saturday Night...


mooshki said...

Cool, especially the sunset. I miss the ocean. It's been way too long. :(

GladysKravitz said...

Love Vancouver. Jealous.

jax said...

the sky never gets that red, it was a crazy storm that happened during our fireworks comp.

vancouver loves you jane!

mooshki said...

I love Vancouver, even though I've never been. My friend spent a year or so living on Victoria Island and it sounded like paradise.

jax said...

lol, and just to confuse you...Victoria is located on Vancouver island and Vancouver is located on the mainland. crazy.
come visit anytime!

mooshki said...

Victoria, Vancouver; potato, potahto. :)

MnGddess said...

Beautiful video. Sounds like we need a Vancouver trip sometime in the future...

jax said...

vancouver would be a great place for a CDAN meetup,it has so much rich film history..and the whorehouse Bennifer 1.0 died in!